05 October, 2006

Edible Plants

Hey guys: here is an awesome database for edible plants. Go to the bottom of the page, you can search by latin or common name and see the edibility of many of our flora. It gives you medicinal and edibililty uses too, and other cool facts. Its pretty neato.-Angiosperm


03 October, 2006

Treasure Acquired, Owls Desired.

Mercenaries hired by the Society's executive committee last Friday to aid in a "Fund-raising operation" have just informed me that their raid on the office of the Treasury, 112 Carnegie Hall, University of the South, has been a success. According to their calculations, over two-thousand American dollars' worth of solid gold bars, platinum records, silver spittoons and alma rodochrosites were pillaged from the building as it smoldered on the quad. As Patrician and Fellow-in-good-standing in the Society, I hereby annex these funds in the name of the Naturale History Society. Our pockets are now full, friends, and we will soon reap the benefits of our present loadedness. First on the adgenda will be the acquisition of a noble wooden trunk to serve as the Society's Canopus. If you have any information that may lead to the apprehension of such, please report to the Patrician's office, 114 Morgan's Steep Road, as soon as possible so we can go buy the bastard. Applications or supplications for the allocation of funds from the Society's now cavernous and overflowing vaults of sheer opulence may be obtained from and made to the Patrician.

ALSO: do not neglect to remember not to forget to attend the imminent post-meridial OWL RECONNISANCE excursion tonight at Morgan's Steep. We will ply that cavernous black for members of the Strigidae and will engage, by way of digital recording and subsequent broadcast, in auditory ping-pong with same. Please plan to rendezvous with E.M. Iralu, Viceroy and A. Lange, Curator, tonight at 8:30 for maximum satisfaction. I suggest you bring a luminous electrochemically powered photonic projection device or night-vision goggles, which we will probably soon be providing to all members along with hovercrafts.

Ensconced in silken riches,
B.L. Padgett, esq., Patrician.


02 October, 2006

Rather Like A Dream

A glorious Sunday hike to Raven Point!

Raven Point

an ant carrying a spider along a twig

saddlebags caterpillar

a snail

Rattlesnake Plantain

Rattlesnake Plantain



Soapwort Gentian

I walk in the mountain woods,
When the first maple leaf falls red, the first

Beech leaf gold.

I stand, hands at sides, and wonder,
Wonder if I should put out a hand to touch

Tree or stone--just to know.

(Robert Penn Warren)

Money, it's a gas.

We are waiting poised on pins and needles following friday's interview with the AFC funding committee - a petition was put forward by the Society for an undisclosed figure for the general operations and equipment budgets for the Society's continued forays into the ubelievably naturale world. The results of the Patrician's pleas will be ascertained by SPO mail later in the day. Remain tuned to learn the riveting conclusion to this saga. '...no surprise if they're giving none away.'

B.L.P., Esq.
