19 February, 2009

Decision '09

To anybody who did not get my email:
A special meeting of the society has been called for Feb. 26 @8:00pm to hold elections for the 2009/2010 year, this is your one week notice, be there!

18 February, 2009

The spotted salamanders are out in force! Earlier tonight I bummed the bio-truck and hit up the ephemeral pond at the end of breakfield to check on these guys and found them out in droves, it was like catching fish in a barrel! Unfortunately, I forgot to return my SD card to my camera meaning that I only snapped off a couple of photos, none of which are great but I've tossed two up here anyway. Since there just chillin in the pond, they should stay there for a while, we'll discuss a salamandering expedition at tomorrow night's meeting.

Spotted salamander egg mass

The clearest picture of a spotted I got