18 October, 2006

Eureka! Audubon in the Archives!

Greetings, naturalists.
As I was perusing the shelves of the archives today, my gaze became fixed upon what might be the most awe-inspiring art of any naturalist ever. On the second floor of the archives, atop the billiards table, sits six enormous volumes of the artistic works of the late John James Audubon. I would estimate 4.5ft x 3ft each, these massive collections of impeccable ornithological records of the Birds of North America in brilliant color may have changed my life forever. I don't know if you have already visited these works of art in the archives, but if you have not, prepare yourself and do so immediately. I am not sure about the archives' morning hours, but it is open from 1-4:30 every weekday. For those who don't know, the archives are located in the old fraternity house between DuPont, the PPS offices and Snowden. Enjoy!
-E.M. Keen, Prefect-at-Large, Ltd.

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